Research and Innovators Ecosystem

Education | Research

Project Description

Research and Innovators Ecosystem

The Research and Innovators Ecosystem is an inclusive platform that facilitate collaboration and resource sharing among researchers, scholars, students, and innovators worldwide. The platform has unique AI-powered partner recommendation that help researchers and innovators acquires partners to collaborate with in a project.

Key Features

  • 1. AI-powered recommendation.
  • 2. News, Hackathon and Job Posting.
  • 3. Direct messaging.
  • 4. Chatroom and conference room.
  • 5. User profile.

Benefits & Impacts

  1. Global collaboration and knowledge sharing on trending global issues.
  2. Increased innovation and creativity as a result of diverse project collaboration.
  3. Increased success rate of project implementation.
  4. Reduced project implementation time.

System Users

1. University students

2. Researchers and Innovators

3. Universities and colleges

4. Research and development centers

About the Team

Kungu Martine

Kungu Martine

Machine Learning Expert | Software Developer

Research and Publisher of Art of Tech NewsLetter

Muholo Nicodemus

Muholo Nicodemus

Software Developer | Graphic Designer

The co-founder of N-TECH Solutions

Bethuel Govoga

Bethuel Govoga

Software Developer | Cloud Engineer

Cloud Enthusiast